Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Professional Wedding photos finally available

The Wedding photos are finally ready to see. Click on www.pictage.com. You will need to simply register with Pictage. Then under "Find Your Event" on the left side of the screen, enter either Sondhelm or Battcher, then September and 2006 in order to access images on the web site. You can oder photos from here, but this site is very expensive. In 3 months or so, I will recieve a CD of the photos and will upload them to Shutterfly.com where orders will be much less expensive.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Featured in Bridal Guide Magazine

Although the article contained inaccuracies, CJ and I were included in the January 07 issue of Bridal Guide Magazine, the most read magazine for brides (and grooms). Specifically, the reporter wrote we lived in Arlington and hired a financial advisor. Neither are true. She also spelled CJ's name wrong.Nethertheless, we are flattered to be included in the article. Click on the pages above to read the article.